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Mliječna Staza 2020 Na prvoj virtualnoj Mliječnoj stazi trčimo, hodamo i vozimo se za djecu s teškoćama u razvoju! Skupljamo kilometre mogućnosti i doniramo za nabavu senzornih soba. www.mlijecnastaza.hr
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Get rid of things you don’t need. Get things you need. Shapp
Prostoria — Inovacija kao društvena odgovornost Maroje Mrduljaš Navikli smo promatrati namještaj kao svojevrsnu apstrakciju osmišljenu na stolovima dizajnera koje zatim tvrtke različitih statusa i ugleda proizvode, brendiraju i plasiraju... read more →
Moja Croatia u par klikova pregledajte vaše police i doznajte do kada vrijede jednostavno prijavite štetu i pratite status njene obrade ugovorite novo osiguranje ili produžite postojeće doznajte koje pogodnosti... read more →
FOREO UFO: Beauty Tech Revolutionizes Face Masks in 90 Sec! UFO combines the best of beauty and technology for a spa-worthy facial treatment in just 90 seconds. Facial masks were... read more →
Rimac Automobili was founded with the vision to create the sportscar of the 21st century. Soon it was clear that we first had to invent various technologies to make this... read more →
Digital Assets Power Play provides technology building blocks for digital assets trading automation (algorithmic) and digital investment product creation. We are building a new distributed economy based around our unique... read more →
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