Davor Rostuhar by Sony
I was born in 1982 in Zagreb, Croatia. While studying sociology and history, and while doing research in anthropology and ethnology I decided to travel the world to experience what I studied first hand. As of 2001, I am a freelance photographer and writer. In 2008, the Republic of Croatia gave me status as a freelance artist – writer. Apart from Croatia where I spend most of my time travelling and working, some of the countries and places I explored more thoroughly include:
2016. Arctic (Siberia, Greenland, Norway)
2015. Arctic (Svalbard)
2014. Bhutan
2013. Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, South African Republic
2012: Peru
2011: Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Cabo Verde, Mali
2010: Libya, Japan, South Korea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, France
2009: Kosovo, United Arab Emirates, USA
2008: Italy, Indonesia, West Papua, Syria
2007: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Bolivia, California
2006: Papua New Gvinea, Tahiti – French Polinesia
2005: Guatemala, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile
2004: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, China and Tibet
2003: Russia, Spain
2002: Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and Palestine, Egypt.
- Client Davor Rostuhar / Sony
- Date 21/09/2014
- Tags Video Editing